The Education Department is responsible for helping church members of all ages learn and experience the character of God (e.g. 1 John 4:7-8, Exodus 34:6, Micah 7:18-19) and develop their God-given skills for employment, service, and eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord. The department also has a special mission of ensuring that the church’s children receive a balanced physical, mental, spiritual, social and vocational education. The department strives to fulfill the first objective by hosting frequent Bible Jeopardy games. Not only do the events whet the appetite for learning more about God’s grace and benevolence towards mankind, they help nurture the bond in various relationships (e.g. parent to child, friend to friend, senior to child). The department holds special education-themed Sabbath service each year to discuss preparations for the next stage of education and the value and purpose of God’s Word (e.g. 2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The Education Department offers several resources to all members desirous of improving their education and finding a career. The department makes known through verbal announcements of local community job fairs, English courses for gaining a better understanding and fluency of American English, standardized tests preparation, and local day care centers. Throughout the year, the Education Department sets up a panel discussion to acquaint church members to the professionals among them who can serve as mentors. The department organizes educational discussions for families and youth forums on improving grades. Moreover, the department coordinates a graduation celebration each summer to recognize new graduates at every academic level (from kindergarten to doctoral programs) and encourage others to pursue their aspirations.
Through these undertakings, the education department hopes to ensure a harmonious development between the spiritual and mental faculties. Their prayer is that God will bestow all who participate in their programs and utilize their resources greater knowledge, wisdom, and the principles to achieve new heights for His glory. They pray that members will be the twenty-first century versions of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Daniel 1:17).